Enjoy and protect the wildlife Whenever I feel to recharge my batteries and I haven’t got time to travel, I just go out in one of the parks around. There I enjoy of walking or watch the wildlife of London. Around my neighbourhood I have spot some very interesting places. Most of them are like 15 to 20 mins drive. The parking are free and safe. If you love wild animal or birds, London is the ideal place to enjoy […]
Ruislip Woods In this afternoon of the end of 2017, after many hours spent in front of the computer, I felt like numb and I could not breathe. I felt the need for an escape, somewhere far from civilisation and noise, somewhere green, clean air and quiet. And I told myself that I do not have to plan a big a trip away … I have a few unexplored places beside me, a stone’s throw from where I live, I […]